- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.TRACTEUR C...ISUDE321 639 149.0059 451.00
2.BENILE FOUISUDE28487 953.0017 698.50
3.GAEC BOURRININORDA25360 000.0025 200.00
4.TS110INORDA21915 075.0060 813.25
5.JOSHDINORDA192 128 201.00138 652.00
6.FERMEDUDOM...INORDA161 473 100.0090 637.00
7.MF 42INORDA13741 800.0050 996.00
8.DAFEDISUDE9644 008.0023 173.00
9.FERMIER 61ISUDE6376 350.0013 650.00
10.LEPTITMOMOINORDA6176 000.0010 520.00
11.DMF13BINORDA6143 014.005 188.00
12.TARGAISUDE4202 500.0011 895.00
13.IVAN94INORDA3346 000.0024 220.00
14.KAPTN GINORDA3175 500.0010 080.00
15.KNEKSS67INORDA3108 000.007 560.00
16.1455AXLINORDA372 058.003 889.00
17.PAGES2INORDA2351 000.009 000.00
18.GAEC DES 2...ISUDE251 000.003 570.00
19.AGROTRON 1...ISUDE248 000.003 360.00
20.JOP 29INORDA1270 200.009 800.00
21.GUISSISUDE117 843.00458.00

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