- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.GAEC POUNHETInorda34889 595.45 t.0
2.NATHAN76950Inorda23071 407.82 t.0
3.TIMMYHOLDENInorda189281 247.08 t.0
4.JOSHDInorda18492 934.04 t.22
5.BENILE FOUIsude14484 628.65 t.0
6.DAFEDIsude12626 014.99 t.10
7.FERMEDUDOMAINEInorda10725 057.55 t.27
8.TRACTEUR CASE IHIsude9238 644.20 t.49
9.SKERILLARInorda9025 813.33 t.1
10.TS110Inorda8215 748.57 t.20
11.PAGES2Inorda8118 355.50 t.36
12.KAPTN GInorda6611 893.45 t.3
13.MASSEY VTInorda349 207.93 t.1
14.LEPTITMOMOInorda3113 763.15 t.11
15.PLUX2Isude285 110.10 t.0
16.FRANCOIS8150Inorda246 939.98 t.0
17.LAFRONDEInorda171 320.00 t.0
18.SOMEWHEREEXPERTInorda1413 754.80 t.0
19.DMF13BInorda144 785.68 t.2
20.GAEC DES 2 SAVOIESIsude142 936.76 t.4
21.IVAN94Inorda65 238.42 t.3
22.FEROREInorda5198.50 t.0
23.FERMIER 61Isude35 395.79 t.0
24.MAXOU60Inorda2824.62 t.0
25.SCEA DE LA PESCHERIEIsude260.00 t.0

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